What a good day !!!

Terrible weather was the form for today but along with the wind and rain came another 28 fish including a new pb for Calamity Tim in the form of a 35lb 4oz common. A well earned fish that was banked within minutes of a 30lb mirror on one of his other rods. Whilst weighing the fish Dave ( Crocodile Dundee) also banked another 30lb common…..his 6th common over 30lb this week. Fish were coming from all over the lake despite the rain and it certainly was all smiles at dinner this evening. Some of the fish were showing signs of having spawned whilst others seemed ready to spawn so with some warm weather forecast for later in the week I would imagine they will be able to finish what they had started over the weekend. The weeks total so far is 109 carp and 2 sturgeon with young Robert banking his first this afternoon. A good night is on the cards altough Tim is considering just enjoying a good sleep after banking 192lb of carp himself today !!!

Calamity Tim and his new pb….35.4lb’s of pristine common carp.

Cumbria Dave and another fine mirror.

One Comment Add yours

  1. chris clarke says:

    Congratulations on your new PB Tim well done mate. The fish certainly appear to be feeding well at the moment Jim,no doubt that will stop on Saturday for a couple of weeks lol.

    I can’t believe the amount of Commons coming out Jim, I wonder whats got into them this year, whatever it is I hope it carries on.



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