Birthday thanks.

I would like to thanks all those of you who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday, some on here, others via Facebook and email. Very much appreciated. For those of you who didn’t bother – I have your names !!!!

Availability Update for 2014

We are already getting lots of enquiries for 2014 (and 2015) so I thought it useful for an updated availability list to be published. As you will see we are getting booked up very quickly so be sure to get your dates in asap if you are intending a visit to us next year. Available…

A touch of sun !

After a good many days of rain and the odd day of snow today dawned bright and sunny with a subtle touch of spring in the air. Funny how the feel of sun on your face raises the spirits and puts a spring in your step. Work goes on and we have now managed to achieve about 80% of…

A flooded cottage.

Yesterday the rain had replaced the previous days snow with a vengeance and I was keeping a careful eye on the level of the stream which had been rising fast, with both rainwater and snow melt to swell it’s flow. At 6pm all looked well and the stream, although having the colour of hot chocolate, was…

Snow and Slush.

Yesterday dawned cold, very cold with a heavy fall of snow blanketing the land. The lakes remained frozen and with snow falling constantly throughout the day we thought we were in for an extended white out with a good 5 ins of snow underfoot. How surprised we were this morning when rain had displaced the snow and…

Winter weather, future pricing and the first Cranes of the year !

After such a mild winter we awoke yesterday to a frozen lid on both lakes. With overnight temperatures going down to -8c we have even have the tracks freeze on the digger so from squelching around in mud we are now stumbling around on ice and frozen ground and grumbling as enthusiastically as ever ! The…

A Belated Happy New Year.

I have been off the radar for a few weeks now but have returned to the toil and misery of winter at Le Moulin du Mée. It would seem that the past few weeks have blessed us with a deluge of rain and as a consequence the landscape is one of puddles, overflowing lakes and copious…