Vacancies for 2016

As usual when it comes to deposit time we find that we have a few places come available so find below the latest availability list. If you would like to book any of the places then best contact me asap. w/c June 4th – week free w/c August 20th – 3 places  

Still quiet !

This back-end is proving to be one of the most frustrating I have ever known. Exactly what is happening is difficult to know and although we have many theories the truth is that we are just grasping at straws in our attempt to solve the dilemma. It would appear that a great many lakes over…

A very slow week and now a turn for the better !

Last week was our poorest ever recorded at LMDM with the 4 lads having just one carp each as well as the 50lb sturgeon to Paul. Fish were pretty active throughout but takes remained at a premium and it was obvious the carp were interested in anything other than anglers bait. It has been a…