Wind, Rain and plenty of carp !!

Tuesday went out as it had begun with lots of rain and just the odd spell of clearer weather and with darkness came heavy rain and a rapidly rising wind. Tim did not fish at all, preferring a good nights sleep, and the hours of darkness produces no more than the odd fish, however when dawn arrived the carp came seriously on the feed and in the couple of hours before breakfast another 13 carp were added to the weeks tally. Best of the spell was Cumbrian Dave’s new pb mirror of 36lb 4 oz. Chris had another 27+ mirror and the remainder were mainly mid 20’s with just a couple of doubles. The total for the week so far now stands at 121 carp and 2 sturgeon.

As said in my last post the drop in temperature seems to have stopped the spawning activity for the time being so catches should continue at a good level for a few days more at least. The new boilies seem to be doing well with Tims pb common falling to the Maple Fudge and Daves pb mirror to the Crab. Better get some more in methinks !!!

Cumbrian Dave and his new Pb at 36lb 4oz.

Chris and his latest high 20 at 27lb 8oz.

21 Comments Add yours

  1. chris clarke says:

    Jim, whats the record weekly catch in terms of numbers then?. I would have thought that 121 fish in 4 days must be heading for a weekly record,it’s a brilliant return up to now. Well done to the anglers and of course the Du Mee Team. They may not be 40s & 50s etc but who needs that when you are catching the sort of quality shown above. What a fantastic week.



  2. Ferg says:

    Hi Jim have been reading your postings everyday with interest. Just a slight coincidence, but I too fished the last 24 hours in appalling conditions with very heavy rain and south-easterly winds and banked a 27lb common, 24.12lb mirror and a 23lb common on a usually quite difficult club water!


  3. jimeveriss says:

    I must check on last years catches Chris but I feel that a record must be on the cards. One thing we are really pleased about is that all the high doubles and low twenties are the grown on originals that were no more than 7/8lb when we first opened. We have yet to see the bigger stocked fish show up in any quantity so the best is yet to come.

    The silly thing is that I had only just been relating to the lads how I never seem to catch when it is raining heavily and then they all start catching in the worst of weather and heavy rain to boot. Well done on your fish by the way, great stuff !!


  4. chris clarke says:

    The fish are edging ever closer to that magical 40lb mark Jim,I don’t think it’s that far away mate.



  5. andy says:

    Some crackers starting to show themselves now jim, can see this being a good year, can’t wait to get over , whats the new bait you have jim?


  6. jimeveriss says:

    The new bait is hand rolled using 70% high quality fishmeal base mix. The 2 varieties use the same base mix and are :

    1) Maple fudge with salmon crumb and amino’s.

    2) RE7 with monster crab,robin red,betain and amino’s.

    Both have done really well since the start of the season, possibly due in part to the fact that we included them in the feed for a couple of months prior to the start of the season.

    At least when you are over Andy, the sun will be shining mate !!!
    ps Chelsea are in the final !!!! a certainity !!!


  7. andy says:

    Ah well , chelsea made it to the final at last, quite pleased for them really, I never fancied playing the mancs in the final the rivarly between them and liverpool is to much jim , I can take losing in the semis on the chin , but if we lost to them in the final …….doesn’t bear thinking about mate, especially as my fishing partner is a


  8. jimeveriss says:

    You are very noble in loss Andy….lol

    Is the ManU mate the one you are bringing over here ???


  9. andy says:

    Cheers Jim , my mate who is coming over with me is a evertonion……..even worse he is a bitter blue , rotten to the core, apart from that he is sound, are the fish beging to spawn jim?


  10. jimeveriss says:

    Fish started to spawn at the weekend when the weather warmed the water to the magic 19c however the sudden drop in temperature has put things on hold. I expect they will be spawning when Chris is over next week !!


  11. chris clarke says:

    Bloody typical, I’m sure you have got them to do that on purpose.



  12. jimeveriss says:

    Well Chris…you did say you laike a bit of action when you are on holiday so I arranged for you to watch the sex antics of our specimen carp whilst you were here. No gratitude !!!


  13. chris clarke says:

    Ho Ho Ho oooops there goes another rib NOT!!!



  14. Graham Odiam says:

    Does that mean that every carp in the lake will be absolutely ravenous from about May 17th onwards? 🙂


  15. jimeveriss says:

    Exactly Graham, they are due a 2 week spawning break starting Saturday and then they are due to feed non stop all summer.


  16. Graham Odiam says:

    Steady highs of around 20 degrees, and lows of around 12 – mild, overcast, and showery (with a few sunny days thrown in for good measure) for the next 10 days according to the forecast I’ve just seen. Perfect, settled, fishing weather then. Unless they’re spawning of course! 🙂

    (Why do I think this gentle ribbing is going to come back and haunt me?!!!)


  17. jimeveriss says:

    Great spawning weather Graham….should be well over it by the time you are here.

    ps…Just had two 35lb mirrors out within minutes of each other. Both new pb’s for the anglers involved.


  18. Graham Odiam says:

    Those guys are having a fantastic week!! We can’t wait to get there.


  19. chris clarke says:

    Oh dear Graham you are in for a long wait I’m afraid mate. There is a Ferry strike scheduled for the 17th the only ferries sailing will be those leaving Boulogne. The French expect it to last for at least 6 weeks. What a bloomin shame mate you would probably have enjoyed it lol.

    What are those lads playing at Jim no 40s yet tut tut tut,I’ll just have to show em how it’s done on Saturday.



  20. Graham Odiam says:

    Just as well we’re booked on the Eurostar then 🙂


  21. chris clarke says:

    Whoops did I not mention that the tunnel will also be closed sorry about that Graham.



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