Deposits for 2023 bookings

October is nearly upon us and as usual at this time of year I will be sending out reminders for the deposits for all main lake bookings for 2023. Payment must be made by November 1st so there is plenty of time to get things sorted. If anyone has doubts about their booking of perhaps…

And the North wind blew !

I have just returned for my walk around the lakes and the temperature is barely into double figures with low cloud creating a very wintry atmosphere. A few fish have been banked in the first 24 hours including a brace of mid 50’s to Nick. With conditions due to settle into a week of grey,…

And the big girls keep coming !!

It is strange how our expectations have changed over the years. There was a time when the capture of a 40 was cause for celebration and then, as time moved on the magic figure was 50lb and our week was made if one lucky angler managed to winkle one out. This week seemed to be…

A change for the better.

With the weather turning from torrid heat to much more temperate conditions the carp have slowly begun to move off of the diet of naturals and have started showing far more interest in the anglers offerings. A few scattered rain storms certainly helped and although there was insufficient rain to effect water levels it certainly…