And the carp keep coming.

Latest catch results show 65 carp and one sturgeon and thats without knowledge of any carp caught by our dutch guests today. The fish have been evenly spread throughout the lake and are topped by a cracking new pb for Cumbrian Dave at 32lb and yet another 30lb + common for Dave (Crocodile Dundee) bringing his total for 30’s up to 7 with 4 of those being commons. Elsewhere we have seen a good sprinkling of upper 20’s along with some smaller 20’s and doubles. A real mixed bag which also includes a 14lb sturgeon for Calamity Tim, luckily I was around as in the process of landing it he slipped and finished up flat on his back whilst I held the landing net and rod, fish included.

Weatherwise we have had lots of rain and the odd ray of sunshine but with temperatures only in the 15/16c range it feels quite cool compared to yesterday. Water temperatures are now at 17c, cooled somewhat by the overnight storm so spawing should be on the back burner for a week or so at least.

Cumbrian dave and his new pb.

Chris and another fine fish at 27.8lb’s.

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