A mighty storm.

After another glorious day with temperatures in the 20’s and anglers sporting the beginning of tans we should have known that things would not last. A muggy evening led to a mighty electrical storm accompanied by heavy rain in the early hours of the morning. As the rain eased the fish began feeding and from 2am until breakfast another 19 carp were landed with young Robert breaking his pb twice more, firstly with a 30lb 1oz mirror and then with a 31lb mirror. Well done that lad !! His friend Chris also broke his pb once again with a nice looking 28lb mirror. One feature of the past couple of weeks is the number of obviously large carp that have been played for up to 20 mins only for the hookhold to give out. In several cases experienced anglers have been unable to control the fish and all describe the typical big carp ploy of staying deep and the angler feeling the throb, throb of the tail action through the line. I just hope that we see a few of these fish banked soon.

I felt that the carp were ready to spawn yesterday with the males leaving milt on the mats and reports of spawning in several lakes locally but with water temperatures dropping to 17c this morning I feel that spawning will be on hold for a few days at least. So with the week less than 48hrs old we have had 47 carp banked which must put us on track for a record 2008 week. Lets hope so.

This is Chris with his new pb of 28lb…..not a fish that I recognise !!

This is ‘Cumbrian Dave’ with one of his nice mirrors.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Paul Abraham says:

    Hi Jim,

    WOW what a start to the week!!

    Hopefully when we get over in June the fishing will be half as good as these lucky Chaps!! have had so far.

    Tight Lines Paul


  2. Tony says:

    Afternoon Jim,

    Great to see more and more fish coming out, its a shame about the loses though but i will rectify that when i pop over lol, just wondering if its normal for fish to be spawning this early as i would not have thought the temps in France were that much higher to England. Also i was just wondering what the keepnet is for in teh second pic???

    Have been sorting out my stuff and tying rigs etc for when i pop over and will drop you a email later in the week just in regard to what i need to bring.

    Good luck to the anglers for the rest of the week, oh and the Doc reckons its just my muscles i have done in my back so will def be over!!!!


  3. chris clarke says:

    Jim, I’ve noticed, reading back through the blog,the absence of any Sturgeon being caught or have I just missed the postings?. That water temperature could do with dropping another 5 degrees or so,getting a bit close to the 22 mark for my liking mate.

    Nice to see PBs being broken all round the lake, well done to the lads. I take it the keepnet is for the odd small double to go into Poplars Jim.



  4. jimeveriss says:

    Good news on the back Tony hopefully you will be fit enough to tackle some Le Moulin du Mee carp !!!

    The keep net is for small roach and the odd tench that helps pass the time between carp runs. The tench are removed to the stock lake.
    Chris, the small carp now are between 10 and 15lb’s so a keep net would not suffice I am afraid. We are moving anything under 15lb to the stock lake at the moment and will probably up that to 18lb by the end of the year.
    Tim has just had the first sturgeon and although only 14lb is really gave him the runaround.


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