The sun shines and all is well with the world !!

Its been a glorious day and several of the lads are sporting red faces and in Tims case a rather sore back. After the previous few weeks it is a wonderful surprise when a day actually feels like spring. The swallows are busy swooping low over the lake, the cuckoo’s are calling mournfully all around and a nice fish or two has graced the bank. Life is good !!!

Actually the fishing has been quite hard and each fish is worked for and a fair reward for the effort expended. Ir really has been a day of O’Connor success with firstly Gorden setting a new catfish record for the lake at 54.9lb’s and, more recently whilst we were having dinner we were called to photograph a cracking 38lb mirror for Lee. The total for the week so far has now reached 53 carp with some stunning fish amongst them and 2 seasons bests also. Lets hope the final 36hrs see’s the lads finish in style.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. chris clarke says:

    You see Jim after speaking to you last night I felt so sorry for you all that I had to send you some of our Sunshine. By the way it’s poured down most of the day here, that should cheer you all up. Hope the decent weather is set in for a few weeks.



  2. jimeveriss says:

    Its raining on you Chris ??? Now that is a surprise !!!! NOT.


  3. Graham Odiam says:

    Are a couple of these carrying spawn now Jim?

    ps – nice and mild in my little corner of Essex..


  4. adrian robinson says:

    Lovely cat that jim ,the carp are all stunners too ,I think the lads need to try a bit harder though as mark and myself had 69 fish between us so they seem to be slacking somewhat , and we did not have t shirt weather either Lol .
    P.s if you dont soon send me our photos ,I will have to send the mother in law round ,and you really dont want that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. jimeveriss says:

    The perfect threat Adrian……..I will send them in a minute !!!

    Graham. A few of the fish are showing early signs of spawn but most of them are just good clean fish. I think the poor spring will have put spawning back a few weeks.


  6. chris clarke says:

    Jim is Lee’s 38lb Mirror the lake record Mirror now?



  7. jimeveriss says:

    No Chris, we had a 39lb mirror last year and a 38lb common. It is the biggest so far this season though.


  8. chris clarke says:

    Oh well that means I’ll have the first 40 and the Lake Record then,some people have fame thrust upon them blah blah blah. Lol



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