End of week 3.

After a beginning of torrential rain and night frosts the week has ended with glorious sunshine and genuine springlike temperatures. The total catch has included a new catfish record for the fishery at 54.9lb’s and 66 carp up to 38lb. Although the biggies are still reluctant to feed with any confidence we have seen 2 carp between 35 and 40lb’s, 7 between 30 and 35lb’s, 18 between 25 and 30lb’s, 17 between 20 and 25lb’s 15 between 15 and 20lb’s and 7 between 10 and 15lb’s. All in all its been a really enjoyable week with Le Moulin du Mee first timers Gorden, Lee, Stephen and Adam as well as stalwarts of our fishery Tim and Dave enjoying a friendly week with plenty of banter to complement the fishing. We look forward to seeing everyone again when the sun is shining and the fish are biting.

One factor commented on by all anglers was the superb condition of the fish with big golden tails and barely a scale out of place. The exciting thing for us is that we have yet to see the bigger carp banked and with the exception of the 2 over 35lb’s the remaining 30’s were all upper 20’s last season. There is no doubt that sometime soon some really cracking lumps are going to be banked so keep an eye on the blog for daily updates.

Starting today we have Tim and Dave enjoying their second week, Cumbrian Dave together with 2 Cumbrian lads, Chris and Robert and a Dutch couple so with the sun shining expectations are high.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. chris clarke says:

    Just starting to warm up nicely for next week for my visit,can’t wait for a few of the biggies to grace my net, I hope.

    Sounds like there has been some top class angling in the last month given the atrocious conditions so a big well done to all those involved.



  2. Lee (YIM-YAMS-DAM) says:

    Alright all, arrived home at about 1am, steve managed to follow us all the way to the docks (on one tank of fuel) although we are not sure if he made it home he may be still driving around the M25 who knows?, Any way we would just like to thank you all for a top weeks fishing as you know we like to visit different lakes in France every year but I can safely say that we will be back to see you and your cracking carp next year,and may be a trip in october for my self (we will have to see). depends on the wife and the new baby? hope to see you soon keep in touch (COMMANDER)



  3. chris clarke says:

    Well done on your week Lee sounds like you had to work hard for your fish mate. One tank of fuel to the Port,what was he using, a Moped!!!!! thats some fuel economy mate. Lol



  4. Lee (YIM-YAMS-DAM) says:

    Alright Chris,
    It was a hard weeks fishing mate, the weather was all over the place the fish didn’t know what was going on. The carp are all in tip top condition with some wicked scale patterns, when steve and adam were on the way down they got lost, filled up 3 times or so and did about 800 mile from calais, so he got it all week, lol


  5. chris clarke says:

    Bloody hell 800 miles,what did they do drive through Belgium first!!!,lol. I spoke to Jim a couple of times while you were on there, he said it had been tough going for you all with the weather.

    The pics I’ve seen show the fish in perfect nick,mind you each time I’ve fished there they have always been like that. That Catfish looked like a good one and it’s one of the smaller ones stocked,theres plenty of feed for them so they pack it on. Roll on next Saturday. Cheers Lee.



  6. Lee (YIM-YAMS-DAM) says:

    No probs,
    have a good week and get into the big un’s, all the best

    Lee (YIM-YAM)


  7. jimeveriss says:

    Really enjoyed having you and the old man (ho,ho,ho) here for the week Lee and well done on some cracking fish in less than perfect conditions. Look forward to your next visit


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