Lots of rain and a good few fish.

Sunday was a very, very wet day with constant heavy rain continuing until dark. The lads manfully kept at their fishing and were rewarded with some nice fish topped by a cracking 37lb mirror to Gertjen. The tally so far has reached 24 carp and one pike……caught on a boilie !! Although this morning is…

The first night of week 10.

This week we have 4 experienced carpers from Holland and they certainly have had a wet start to their holiday. Their arrival was in pouring rain and setting up camp was certainly a damp and miserable affair with attempts to move equipment whenever the rain eased a little being met with little success, we all…

Thanks Bluey.

When Bluey (Chris Clarke) visits us he always comes bearing gifts. Usually they are lovely items made by his multi talented better half Giulia, however on his recent visit he brought us something rather special that had been made by his own hand. Over the winter Chris had laboured long and hard to make a…

Week 9..the final tally.

The final night saw a new pb mirror for Adam at 32lb plus a sprinkling of other fish. The total fell just short of the 100 mark but despite constantly changing weather conditions the lads managed to bank a total of 94 carp, 2 sturgeon and a solitary catfish. The carp weights were as follows……

90 not out !!

The cooler, wetter weather has eventually arrived and catches have tailed off somewhat in response. Having said that the lads have amassed 90 carp so far and hopes are high for a grand finale tonight. The target is 100 so the pressure is on. Best fish today were another stunning common to Graham weighing in…

Still catching !!

With the weather changing again from cold northerly to mild and sunny the fishing has still not been consistant but having said that the lads are still catching. The total up to thursday morning is 69 carp, 2 sturgeon and one catfish. Graham also had a 2lb 11oz rudd on boilie…….quite a suprise as we…

An Ill Wind.

Last night was the coldest for several weeks with a cold northerly really bringing the temperatures down. As a consequence the fishing slowed and morning saw only a few fish but spread evenly amongst the anglers. Best of the bunch was a cracking 32.8 common to John who was unable to get a picture owing…

Some nice fish…shame about the weather !!

A grey blustery day greeted us this morning and continued throughout the day but everyone seems to be catching so spirits are high and optimism abounds. Total for thr first 48 hrs is 34 carp and a soilitary catfish. Best of the bunch is a 34.12 common to Graham who has also had three further…

Grahams gang….the first 24hrs.

Well the 4 lads on at the moment have had a pretty impressive start with several pb’s already hitting the mat. Before coming over Graham had written on this blog that a 30lb common was all he wished for from his trip……well he certainly has had that wish granted with a cracking 34.12 specimen. In…

A great first day.

Well, the 4 lads on at the moment have had a pretty impressive start with several pb’s already hitting the mat. Before coming over Graham had written on this blog that a 30lb common was all he wished for from his trip……well he certainly has had that wish granted with a cracking 34.12 specimen. In…