A lovely evening.

Its a lovely evening with a glorious red sky fading to deep blue and the lake looking like a mirror, disturbed only by the odd rolling carp and slash of a marauding pike. The first of the are bats hunting the midges all around and the nightingales are singing away, preparing themselves for night of serenading. Sophie and I took my old cane rod and went for an hours floatfishing amongst the flag iris at the far end of the dam. We spent a pleasant hour just watching the night draw in, listening to the birds singing and the frogs croaking and I even caught a nice fish which gave one hell of a scrap on the light cane rod. Not a bad life is it !!

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Chris Clarke says:

    Now thats more like it Jim, a nice pleasant evening with no Monsoon conditions to contend with,Bliss.



  2. Graham Odiam says:

    Yep, tough old life, you look tired mate.. take a day or two off and put your feet up. You’ve earned it 🙂


  3. Frans Simons says:

    It’s a dirty job Jim, but someone has got to do it!!

    I’m at the office again working my butt off but my mind is with the fishing.

    Jan from the fishing agency has asked me to write a short story to putt on his website.

    I’m gonna do that next week and I’ll send some photo’s with it.

    What a beautifull commons are caught this week, I’ll we’re gonna catch them in october too.

    See you!!



  4. jimeveriss says:

    Thank you lads, such understanding friends makes life even more bearable!!!!


  5. adrian robinson says:

    Some cracking photos there jim ,the lake looks great now everything is in full bloom, something I miss taking a early week ,I think you need to replant with evergreens LOL


  6. jimeveriss says:

    Your right Adrian, I often say that the shame of things for the early bird anglers is that they fail to see the lake at its best. Actually, this year I feel things were a couple of weeks late due to the bad early spring weather but thankfully all is back to its glorious best now !!


  7. Tim Buckett says:

    Nice fish, shame about the ………………………………………………………………………nice one


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