Lots of rain and a good few fish.

Sunday was a very, very wet day with constant heavy rain continuing until dark. The lads manfully kept at their fishing and were rewarded with some nice fish topped by a cracking 37lb mirror to Gertjen. The tally so far has reached 24 carp and one pike……caught on a boilie !! Although this morning is warm, and sunny we have another 2 days of rain forecast, not ideal but I am sure the good start will be maintained. The carp are often showing signs of having spawned and exhibiting some nasty wounds and lost scales so I will be pleased when spawning has completely finished and the carp are back to their best. Its never nice to see any sort of damage on your carp when they have been pristine for so long but I suppose thats nature and I will just have to accept it.

Gertjen and his 37lb mirror. Notice a spwning wound on the shoulder and a spawning rash on its belly.

Another nice mirror for Gertjen but this time completely unmarked.

Danny and his boilie caught pike.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. daz says:

    37lb looks a lot bigger than that jim may be that was 1 of the 40s that have spawned or very close to it see ya monday jim ps are u getting my emails


  2. jimeveriss says:

    Hi Daz, I agree it certainly does look a lump doesn’t it ???

    Looking forward to seeing you again fellah !!
    I am getting your emails Daz but when I send a reply it is just returned to me as undelivered !!!
    The paypal name is jeveriss@wanadoo.fr


  3. Graham Odiam says:

    I hope that lump didn’t come out of Deliverance, might claim a half share in it if it did after all that pre-baiting I did last week! 🙂


  4. jimeveriss says:

    Not Deliverance Graham but Island swim…….you had better let Shandy know !!!! lol
    Stop press !! The same lad has just had a 35.4lb mirror from the same spot.


  5. Graham Odiam says:

    I’ll enjoy doing just that!


  6. Graham Odiam says:

    Out of interest, are they boating baits out or fishing at a similar distance to us last week?


  7. jimeveriss says:

    Just casting out Graham…no boats. Also they have just had a 35.8 mirror out of Deliverance also. Thats 2 x 35’s and a 37 in a few hours !!!


  8. Graham Odiam says:

    Ok, ok.. no need to rub it in!


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