The first night of week 10.

This week we have 4 experienced carpers from Holland and they certainly have had a wet start to their holiday. Their arrival was in pouring rain and setting up camp was certainly a damp and miserable affair with attempts to move equipment whenever the rain eased a little being met with little success, we all were more than a little wet by evening. Anyway, they are now nicely ensconsed in their swimas and have actually managed a fish or two to boot. Actually they have had 11 carp by breakfast with 2 x 30’s and the remainder being 20’s. With an unsettled period of weather forecast for the next few days we are likely to be seeing more rain than sun so it will be interesting to see just how that will effect the fishing. With the cooler water that the rain will produce all thoughts of spawning are likely to be on hold and if that the case a bumper catch could be on the cards. Only time will tell so keep looking in for updates.

A few of the first carp of the week.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Graham Odiam says:

    So, which swims are they fishing then Jim?


  2. jimeveriss says:

    Deliverance, Island and the Sanctuary double.
    Best fish from Island so far but its early days yet.


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