An Ill Wind.

Last night was the coldest for several weeks with a cold northerly really bringing the temperatures down. As a consequence the fishing slowed and morning saw only a few fish but spread evenly amongst the anglers. Best of the bunch was a cracking 32.8 common to John who was unable to get a picture owing to Graham being in such a deep sleep !!!! Shame on you

Total at the midweek stage is 52 carp and a catfish so all in all the lads are doing rather well despite conditions not being in their favour. Most of the week has seen good fish with lots of high 20’s and around 9 x 30’s banked but last night saw a few doubles netted also. Some of the carp are showing signs of spawning with a couple exhibiting rather nasty wounds whilst others seem as pristine as ever. One thing is certain and that is that they are fighting very hard indeed with several of the lads taking up to 20 mins to land what turn out to be no more than the low 20’s in weight. I stood and watched Adam play what we all thought was a real lump that continuously took line against quite a stiff clutch and took all of 20 mins to net. We were all amazed to see a modest 23lb mirror lying in the net, still thrashing around like a fresh fish.

One thing I am pleased about is that all 4 anglers in the party have broken their mirror and common pb’s already this week…………….whats the betting several more go before the weeks out ??

What a poser ??………………………I amean the fish of course !!! John and a nice common.

John again and a chunky mirror.

Graham with a spawned male common.

Graham again with an old friend ‘Floppy tail’ who had obviously spawned. This common has a deformed tail but still seems to enjoy life all the same…..just over 30lb and will soon be back to mid 30’s once recovered from spawning and back on the feed seriously.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Jax says:

    All still going strong for the boys pleased to hear.. Shandy looks like he’s totally shocked to have caught anything in his 1st pic, but clearly totally relaxed in his surroundings in the 2nd!!..
    Know Graham is totally loving his experience, and apparently hoping to return with your dog!!.. lol


  2. Tim Buckett says:

    Nice too see the bent tailed Common come out.


  3. Carol says:

    John – what a poser. You look more stunned that you’ve caught something!!


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