Some nice fish…shame about the weather !!

A grey blustery day greeted us this morning and continued throughout the day but everyone seems to be catching so spirits are high and optimism abounds.

Total for thr first 48 hrs is 34 carp and a soilitary catfish. Best of the bunch is a 34.12 common to Graham who has also had three further 30+ carp including a 34.6 mirror. Both the biggest common and mirror are new pb’s. Adam has also had a couple of 30’s with another common pb, this time weighing in at 33.2 and a mirror at 30.8. Big John is now well on the score sheet with 4 good 20’s up to 28.8 which is also a common pb and Ray is finally off the mark with a couple of nice fish including a common pb at 21lb’s exactly. Everyone seems happy and as I write the sun has broken through so here’s to a succesful evening and productive night.

A nice chunky mirror for Adam.

Adams new pb common…already spawned it appears.

Another 30+ mirror for Graham…this one is about ready to spawn.

Another cracking 30+ for Graham.

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