A good night but a quiet day.

A good night with carp coming from all over the lake and the totals for the week so far reaching 35 carp. Biggest was Stephens new pb of 35lb with the cracking mirror being backed up by another of just short of 22lb’s. Dave has had a very productive spell with yet another 30lb common tipping the scales at 32.7lb’s and a mirror of 32.2lb’s supported by another 6 carp between 18lb and 27.8lb’s. Dave has now had 4 x 30’s with 3 of them being commons and a host of upper 20’s. Tim also had 3 fish at 16.7lb’s, 24.6lb’s and 25lb’s. With several other fish lost during the day it certainly seems that things are starting to get moving at last.

The weather has been a mixture of rain and warm sunshine but with the run off from the previous few days deluge still affecting lake levels it may take another 24hrs for things to settle. Tomorrow is likely to be much as today and from therein the weather is set fine with plenty of sun and high temperatures. At last conditions are starting to look springlike and I am anticipating the fishing to improve further as the water warms up.

Stephen and his new pb of 35lb.

Dave and another of his 30+ commons.

Dave with a nice mirror.

Dave and yet another 30+ common !!!

The other lads pictures will hopefully be added to tomorrows blog if I can get them to part with their camera’s for a while !! I am quite excited about how the rest of this week pans out so keep looking in for the updates.

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Andy says:

    Alrite Jim , some cracking fish there , what swims are they coming from ?


  2. jimeveriss says:

    Hi Andy, welcome to the blog.

    Dave is fishing Deliverance where you fished last year and doing well. Last week it was hard going in the same swim so the carp have obviously moved in. We have also had fish from all occupied swims of Sams, Island, Middle ground and Carpark so although it is still quiet for us the fish seems fairly spread out. I am expecting a few tonight so check in tomorrow for an update.


  3. Chris Clarke says:

    Sounds like they are starting to feed now Jim now the appalling weather has abated. The Commons seem to be on the move a lot more,nice to see the 30s showing themselves. It certainly looks like the lads are in for some really decent sport.



  4. adrian robinson says:

    Shame those big commons were not playing ball when i was there jim ,still waiting for a 30 common still gives me a decent excuse to come back I suppose !


  5. jimeveriss says:

    Dave has had his 4th 30+ common during the night and as they are all new 30’s we are expectant to see how last years big commons are doing……a 40+ common is certainly on the cards. You will just have to come back won’t you Adrian !!!!


  6. Chris Clarke says:

    Excuse me Jim but my name is already on the first 40lb Common and the first 40lb Mirror, so really it’s not worth anyone else trying for them. Harsh I know but thats just tough. Lol



  7. daz says:

    hi jim when do u think the fish will spawn with things being so slow in the weather


  8. andy says:

    Well Chris if your claiming the 40’s I will have to take the 50’s when I get there .


  9. jimeveriss says:

    Difficult to know when the carp are likely to spawn as it all depends on water temperature staying above 22c for a few weeks. Cannot see that happening until late June. As carp spawn in batches there are always carp to be caught even when spawning is taking place.


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