The cats come out to play.

We went out for the evening yesterday and returned home around midnight to be greeted with lights on everywhere. Mike was in the water playing a strong fish and the news was that he had already landed catfish of 20lb+ and 55lb. Dave had a real scrap on his hands on the dam and up…

Playing carp….a few suggestions.

Over the past couple of years we have had quite a few good carp lost due to incorrect playing tactics. At best the result is a hookpull whilst at worst it is a break, leaving the carp trailing a rig and line. As many anglers fishing UK waters are fishing for singles and doubles with…

Week 10 final tally.

A good week overall despite the floods, etc with 82 carp to the 4 anglers we had on. Serious carpers Patrick and Gurtjen did extremely well and accounted for some cracking fish including 9 x 30’s with 5 of the them over 35lb. Thats good weights when you consider the bulk of the fish have…

A lovely evening.

Its a lovely evening with a glorious red sky fading to deep blue and the lake looking like a mirror, disturbed only by the odd rolling carp and slash of a marauding pike. The first of the are bats hunting the midges all around and the nightingales are singing away, preparing themselves for night of…

A quiet day.

A lovely sunny day but very quiet of the fishing front. Having said that Patrick did have a 36lb mirror and Gertjen a 26lb mirror to add to their tally. The lake is now settling back to normal levels and Patrick can at last play fish without standing ankle deep in water. I managed to…

Still catching.

The lads are still pulling the fish in and the total for the week up to thursday morning stands at 64 carp and 2 cats. With the improving weather the carp seem to have spread out more and Danny and Werner had 7 carp and a small cat overnight whilst Patrick and Gertjen had another…

And then the sun came out !!

Well, a pretty interesting night with water roaring all around, the mill race at full bore, the relief channel flooding over into the road and the lake flooding the swims……..other than that it was business at normal !! We pulled boards to let more water into the main lake from the stream (torrent) which helped…

The great flood !!!

Its around 11.30pm as I write and we have had a hectic few hours with the lake threatening to burst its banks and the stream rising 4ft in about an hour. We had a 2 hour battle to keep the overflowing water from pouring into Frog cottage where our daughter Sophie is living at the…

A wet day but a couple of crackers !!

The night was damp and the day, so far is very wet again with heavy rain falling as I write. The temperature is mild and there is a distinct lack of wind so once out of the rain conditions are quite pleasant. A few fish were landed overnight and a few fish were lost but…

Monday mirrors.

The lads spent the morning shopping but on their return the rain had eased and the sun was breaking through so it was back to swims and rods out ! Just a few fish caught but headed by a couple of absolute crackers. Gertjen started the ball rolling with another 35lb + mirror and was…