It’s that time again !

I am sure most of you regulars will remember dear old Kai who was such a part of the LMDM scene for so many years.

Christmas is also a time when we look back at the year coming to a close and reflect on experiences and happenings. I am so pleased that after the trials of the Covid years we can be thankful that in 2022 we enjoyed a full season of fishing and friends. It has been a great year on both lakes with the lake records moving on to 77lb on the main lake (both mirror and common) and Poppy’s lake now holding several mid 60’s along with a stock of rapidly growing fish.

All in all the fishery is going along nicely and we have enjoyed seeing so many long standing angler friends this year. A couple of issues that we did experience this year were a ‘bloom’ of small carp in Poppy’s lake that has now been dealt with and on the main lake we had rather more weed than we like to see and also several crashes in DO during the summer. The weed is a real plus however we realise that we need to ensure it remains a good thing and is not allowed to impact the fishing so to get cracking with clearing earlier this coming season should ensure that all is ok. The problem with DO drops has really hit fisheries hard, in both France and the UK , with a good many reports of fish losses reported. We are in the process of ordering at least one more surface aerator for next season as well as another Force 7 so we should be in a good position to combat any DO crashes.

The season to come is a very exciting prospect and we are blessed to be sharing it with so many long standing regulars. Hopefully you will all enjoy a wonderful Christmas, remain in good health and will look forward to your visit to us in 2023.

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