A good night but a quiet day.

A good night with carp coming from all over the lake and the totals for the week so far reaching 35 carp. Biggest was Stephens new pb of 35lb with the cracking mirror being backed up by another of just short of 22lb’s. Dave has had a very productive spell with yet another 30lb common…

And the heavens opened !!

Sunday saw light rain, heavy rain and torrential rain and as night approached it became even heavier. I felt really sorry for the lads as the bivvies were shut tight and I would imagine those with rods out were praying that a run would not develop. In fact at times during the night the rain…

Calamity Tim

Within an hour of arrival Calamity Tim sat on the terrace with a beer trying to looked relaxed and content with life when…..crack !!!! the chair collapsed and Tim was lying on his back, beer in hand on top of the broken chair…..breakage no 1.

A new week starts

Tim and Dave arrived early as usual and shared breakfast with the departing anglers before deciding which swim they would be fishing……no real guesswork needed as they selected Deliverance and Island swims as they have for the last 3 times here. Lee and Gordon also made good time and elected to fish the shallows from…

The last carp.

As evening drew in once again young jaimie had a screaming run and after a good fight banked another stunning mirror at 25.5lb’s. A great end to the week for the young fellah !! It was to be the last fish of the week as the lads needed some decent sleep to ready them for…

Jaimie jnr gets his fish !!

After persevering in dreadful conditions young Jamie finally got his fish. A new pb by a long way at 29lb of pristine mirror carp. Well done young Jamie.

A cracking pb common for Jamie.

As the rain continued to fall Jamie’s alarm burst into life and after a long dogged fight he banked a new pb common of 32lb. It was in stunning condition as can be seen from the photo below. Well done that man !!!

Goodbye Lee.

The day dawned wet and cold and with the added disapointment of finding Lee feeling very poorly and the decision to return home being the only sensible one available. Lying on a bedchair whilst the rain hammers down outside is not exactly the perfect recipe for flue and even sitting by the stove in the…

A better day all round.

The weather today was bright and sunny with a definate feel of spring unless you were in the northerly breeze. The night had proven fishless with, once again, a good few runs amounting to either nothing at all or a lightly hooked fish that came adrift after a brief struggle but with a bit of…

And the rain stops !!

The rain that kept us company for much of the week eventually gave way to clear sky’s and a freezing cold night. Morning saw a misty lake and stiff, frozen landing nets and bivvies with a coating of frost. Not a lot caught but the best fish of the week so far feel to Lee…