And the heavens opened !!

Sunday saw light rain, heavy rain and torrential rain and as night approached it became even heavier. I felt really sorry for the lads as the bivvies were shut tight and I would imagine those with rods out were praying that a run would not develop. In fact at times during the night the rain was hammering so hard on the bivvies that the buzzer would not have been heard anyway. Monday morning was just a continuation of the deluge and it was not until early afternoon that the rain cleared and the sun broke through. That was the sign for the carp to start feeding and in a short space of time we saw Dave with another 30+ common and Tim with a lovely 29.8 mirror. Stephen also joined in the action with a new pb of 25.5 mirror and young Adam bagged a lively common of 17lb and a pb equalling mirror of 21.8lb’s. Lee then banked a 24lb mirror before the rain arrived again.

Considering the heaviest rain of the year the lads are still running up a healthy score with 19 carp banked so far including commons of 33.12 and 32.5 to Dave and another 8 fish over 25lb. Not a bad start to the week. With the weather now becoming mild and showery and with sunshine forecast for the second half of the week everyone is optimistic about the fishing prospects.

This is Calamity Tim with his 29lb mirror.

The pictures of the other lads will be posted tomorrow…….or when they remember to bring their camera’s over to the house so I can download them !!!!

One Comment Add yours

  1. chris clarke says:

    Just keep telling yourself that all this bad weather will soon end Jim. I’ll bring some decent weather over no problem. We had temperatures of 18c today nice warm sunshine,not wishing to rub it in you understand mate.

    Well the lads seem to be doing the business when the rain relents a bit, not a bad start for them at all.



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