A new week starts

Tim and Dave arrived early as usual and shared breakfast with the departing anglers before deciding which swim they would be fishing……no real guesswork needed as they selected Deliverance and Island swims as they have for the last 3 times here. Lee and Gordon also made good time and elected to fish the shallows from the Car park swim. Stewart and Grant never arrived until supper time so joined us for a meal and elected to sat up camp in Sams and Middle ground….no fishing for them tonight just well earned sleep after an overlong journey (thats another story !!). The stage was set and with a lovely sunny day things looked good for the week. With just Dave, Lee and Grant opting to fish the first night we saw several fish out with a 29lb mirror to Dave, a 25.5lb mirror to Gordon and several fish topped by a 22lb common to Lee. Not a bad start but the weather gods obviously thought we were having it to good and sent back the clouds. A day of rain followed on Sunday and although several fish were landed the rain dampened spirits somewhat. Best of the day was a 25lb mirror to Dave and a cracking 33 common, also to Dave. I think that Stewart and Grant were still groggy after there epic journey and fishing will only start in earnest tonight. The forecast is for more rain tonight and tomorrow but thereafter rising temperatures and lots of sunshine, lets hope the forecasters have got this one right !!!

Only Daves pictures today as Lee and Gordon have yet to have the pictures downloaded from their camera……..tomorrow I hope.

13 Comments Add yours

  1. chris clarke says:

    And you mean to tell me that Tim has’nt broken anything yet Jim!!!!. Some nice fish out already so thats a good sign.



  2. Graham Odiam says:

    I’ve set my heart on one of these 30lb commons! What’s the lake record for a common Jim?


  3. Chris Clarke says:

    Thats a thought Graham. What are the lake records Jim, Common, Mirror, Cat, Sturgeon. It would give people something to aim at maybe.



  4. Graham Odiam says:

    Just make sure you don’t catch them all before I get there!


  5. Chris Clarke says:

    Well whatever the records are Graham I’m going to break em all mate, or was I just dreaming????



  6. Graham Odiam says:

    Well you can have 3 of them if you really want.. but just leave the common to me! My pb common is 26-11, mirror 34-04, sturgeon 28-04, and cat 29-12 (which was actually caught in the UK). From what I’ve seen so far, there’s a fair chance of getting the 30lb common I would really like!


  7. Chris Clarke says:

    Whats the news of ‘Calamity Tim’ then Jim or is he still asleep.



  8. jimeveriss says:

    Just back from the airport and seen the comments…mmmm where do I start ???

    Chris…. Calamity Tim has had a cracking start in every sense of the word, see post later for details and picture…ho,ho,ho !

    Graham…. Dave has just had his second 30+ common in 24hrs at 32.75lb’s so there are plenty to go at. Lake record after just 1 season is common 38.5lb’s, mirror 39lb’s so they, along with a lot of other 35+ carp caught last year should be into their 40’s by now. Interestingly we stocked a couple of low 40’s in november 2005 which have never seen the net yet so a few suprises are due this year I reckon. We only have around a dozen cats with most of them small at between 15 and 30lb’s but we have two that will be in the 70-80lb category by now but once again yet to be banked.


  9. Graham Odiam says:

    Very interesting! Is there a prize for the captor of the first 40? 🙂


  10. jimeveriss says:

    Yes Graham……..a big kiss from me !!!


  11. chris clarke says:

    I’d rather have a kiss off Kai thankyou very much, in fact I’d rather kiss a Coypu. Lol



  12. jimeveriss says:

    Mmmmmmmmmm that can be arranged Chris, although the coypu might object..lol


  13. Chris Clarke says:

    Oi you cheeky *$+£&*^@?#* don’t forget how easily I forget things.



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