4 Comments Add yours

  1. chris clarke says:

    Well done on a new PB Jamie, and well deserved after braving those conditions for a week.



  2. claire Williams says:

    I am so pleased for you Jamie. PB!!!!! It was well worth the long wait. Lets hope you pull in another. Maybe your luck is changing. It looks as though your are having a struggle holding that beauty.
    MUM X X X


  3. chris Thomas says:

    Jamie Jnr. Nan here. Great!!!! I am so glad Jamie has managed to get a decent catch. He has been saving & looking forward to this trip for a whole year. Thoughts of this will make a 50 mile march he is doing next weekend a little easier.
    Thank you Jim, I know you have been doing all you can to help him.
    I hoped Kev would loose a little wieght this week but he tells me he has been very well fed & the food is excellent.


  4. jimeveriss says:

    He was a real star Claire, never let his head drop despite the appalling weather and watching the other lads catch big fish. He deserves his reward and hopefully will have another tonight !!!


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